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Re: I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life

Re: I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life2010-12-11T05:53:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Cranky/Arguing/Frustrated I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life Re: I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life


Post count: 14413

@MIguel – I just posted on the meds forum about the immunity thing. I don’t want to hijack this post, but just wanted to tell you I’m very interested that someone else has noticed this. For what it’s worth, I don’t think I become forever immune to the meds – I just need several month off them, like 6-12. I wonder if we rotated meds we could always have one that worked?

If you’ve been off meds for 7 years it totally might be worth trying again.