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Re: I Found TotallyADD.com,and I now have hope!

Re: I Found TotallyADD.com,and I now have hope!2012-09-24T18:26:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved I Found TotallyADD.com,and I now have hope! Re: I Found TotallyADD.com,and I now have hope!


Post count: 146

So glad you’ve found the site. I’ve been here for about a month or so and it has “totally” changed my life. ha, ha.

I was worried about the new job I started to day but just remembered all the posts I’ve read here about what people have shared and job struggles etc. So I took all those sharing good vibes out into the world with me and had a good morning. So far. LOL