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Re: i got to say today was a good day….

Re: i got to say today was a good day….2010-05-06T21:50:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved i got to say today was a good day…. Re: i got to say today was a good day….


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

@veronica, much as I’d love to just let things slide, I have to get all that dental work done. If I don’t, the resulting infection will lead to blindness and death. And I can think of WAY more pleasant ways to go blind and die.

Besides, my oral surgeon is a lovely Englishman, and just hearing his accent lifts my spirits. (I am a tremendous Anglophile, and hope to move to England, within the next 10 years.)

The show last night went very well. Though I was a naughty soprano and held a high note for way too long. So long, in fact, that I couldn’t find the note I was supposed to resume with, so the pianist and I had to do a little improvising until I found it again. But this is what can happen when a soprano wanks off with a high note.