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Re: I guess its not self esteem. But what is it?

Re: I guess its not self esteem. But what is it?2012-09-24T02:55:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other I guess its not self esteem. But what is it? Re: I guess its not self esteem. But what is it?


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Hmmm, good luck is all that I can offer. My marriage has been tenuous since it commenced 15 years ago, and we’re getting to the stage where it seems that it’s only a matter of time before we start burning effigies of one another 😆 If she was in Buenos Aries, and I was in Dundee, we still wouldn’t be far enough away from one another! I feel destined to always be alone, and if we didn’t have kids I’d have slipped out the back door and run away before our first week of marriage had lapsed…