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Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.

Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.2010-12-08T17:28:47+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Finding Help I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* "Soar and Fail" is the story of my life. Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.


Post count: 14413

It’s amazing how many of seem to read these stories and completely relate. The situations, feelings, emotions have all manifested themselves in the same way for most of us. We all seem to try and exist by imposing these limits on ourselves, limits set by people with ‘normal’ limits. As kids when we crossed these lines we learn boundaries, for the average person this is a small adjustment for AD/HD people that means suppressing so much of who you are that the frustration boils overs with as little as a 1 degree change in “our environment” or control. I never understood why, now I do and that gives me hope. :)
