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Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.

Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.2010-12-10T01:03:59+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Finding Help I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* "Soar and Fail" is the story of my life. Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.


Post count: 14413

I can relate to what SuperMartha says about something lacking that other people had. I’ve felt this way for years. I’ve been diagnosed only a few months ago and I’m 49!! At first, I was elated. I wanted to tell it to everyone! It explained so much. It explained my whole life really. Now, I’m kinda disappointed and a bit angry; why could’nt it be diagnosed when I was younger. I should have been helped and prepared for life with ADD. I’d be better off today probably.

I’ve started Concerta a month ago. The dosage has just been upped to 27 mg. I’m really hoping it works. I’d like to know what it’s like to think normally. Even though, at the same time, I like who I am with ADD.