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Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.

Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.2010-11-30T21:19:33+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Finding Help I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* "Soar and Fail" is the story of my life. Re: I HAVE ADD! *Slapping forhead* “Soar and Fail” is the story of my life.


Post count: 14413

Hey Super Martha! Thanks for your honesty! I really appreciate you sharing your story as I can relate on so many different levels! especially this line: “Wow that was great!Just think how great it would’ve been if you’d actually prepared/studied, etc.”

Man if I had a dollar for every time I heard that in my life I would be rich! And I am only 27! I have been recently diagnosed and I have had such a tough time with it. I was on Meds for about 17 days but I was getting some bad side effects and had to get off. I was able to function at work successfully for that time and it was like magic. Now that I’m off its same ol same ol and I feel kinda inadequate. I fight the feelings that there is something wrong with me instead of appreciating whats “right” with me! Okay….I have vented enough now:) Thanks for reading my response!