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Re: I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income.

Re: I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income.2011-07-14T13:14:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income. Re: I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income.


Post count: 445

bguntoor– I don’t think the “hanging-by-a-thread” complex is rare. You have depended on your affluent parents. Many business owners rely largely on a single client. Countless people who work for government and companies large (and small) depend on the patronage of a single VP or manager to keep their jobs—a tenuous position to be in. Life is not very secure for most of us, especially during these difficult times. That you would constantly obsess about the “thread” is an issue you should take up with a counselor.

Many ADDers have deep anxieties about their disabilities—and the insecurities that ensue— that cause them to lose sleep. We often wear masks to hide what we know to be profound shortcomings, and an “unmasking” that potentially could send us into some abyss scares us to death. Once again, another perspective and effective intervention can help mitigate some of your vulnerabilities, and thus, perhaps, some of your concerns.

In any event, know that you certainly are not alone. Good luck.