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Re: I was just diagnose with ADHD

Re: I was just diagnose with ADHD2011-05-29T06:03:50+00:00

Post count: 14413

This is a great site for general information. I also highly recommend that you find a book, either on the internet or at your local bookstore, called Delivered from Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. (whom also has ADHD) and John J. Ratey M.D. It has given me a lot of insight and confirmed the diagnosis I was given in July, 2005. There are other great books, but this one is at the top of my list, I think partially because it’s written by someone who knows what it’s like from the inside out instead of vice versa.

Now I know this was posted three days ago, so I hope things are going well. Sorry, I would have responded earlier, but just got into the forums as I was browsing around today (have been here to this site several times but never really took the time to get on the forums). How is the new meds doing for you? Can you tell any positive difference yet? Can those around you tell a positive difference?

I’m going to give you a few tips. First off, if concerta doesn’t work for you, or if it works but gives you some pretty bad side effects, talk to your doctor about trying something different or changing the dose. At this point in time, finding the right medication still requires some guesswork.

Secondly, the whole “medication solves it” attitude that seems (unfortunately) common for most doctors, is far from sufficient to really get you on the right track. While medication does help a great deal, it’s not a cure. It’s similar to going to the doctor with a badly broken leg, the doctor sets the bone, hands you crutches, prescribes you pain medication, and sends you on your way saying you’ll be just fine. OK, the crutches and pain medications help you cope, and setting the bone helps for a short while, but without things like a splint or cast, the bone will likely never heal correctly, not to mention that checkups and the like after a while are also very helpful.

What I am basically telling you is that there’s a lot more to it, which is actually good news! It means that this isn’t just some simple issue that anyone who’s not an idiot can just snap their fingers and fix. It’s more complex than that. It means that there is much much more to gain than to loose.

Try to make yourself an expert on ADHD. Not overnight of course, and if you can’t read a book, find it on CD or MP3 and listen to it while you’re on your way to work! Find people who will give you some help and support you! Find or look to good friends who really like you for who you are! The more you learn, the better off you will be.

And it’s OK to be nervous! This is the first step into a whole new world that even now you cannot imagine. It’s going to take a lot of effort to get there, but with the right kind of support from education about ADHD and those around you, I think you’ll find you can go places you never thought possible! Hope to hear from ya soon!