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Re: I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.

Re: I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.2010-09-16T00:11:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL. Re: I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.


Post count: 14413

Yeah! And the site’s forgot password feature would be busy too! :)= Oh hey yeah and….SQUIRREL!!

Don’t worry- you won’t be alone “forever!!!!” :) Maybe you’ll find someone just as quirky as you. I just hope you aren’t being overly critical of people, that can hinder your path to “coupleness”. But who knows, I had a friend who “went black and never came back” so who knows, whatever floats our boats.

I was a young single momma myself, now that I’m in a relationship with someone I live with– I miss my alone-ness. That stuff is like gold, except we don’t know what it’s worth until we don’t have much of it left. At least, that’s how I feel. (Oh, I miss the days of just me and my gal buddy HBO, accompanied by jammies, steak, and Mr. ceasar salad…)

You know what I wish? That people were telepathic. That way- I wouldn’t be annoyed about silly random questions and miniscule decisions, people would just know what I am thinking. Errrg…sometimes it is hard to socially multitask and deal with the petty yet necessary things needed to function “out there”…

Maybe you should put out an ad: “SF w/ ADD seeks to add a SM w/ADD”… and see how it goes?! Ha! I think an ADD dating group is an interesting, possibly good and definitely entertaining idea! (My imagination is coming up with some funny stuff.) :)=