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I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.

I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.2010-09-14T23:03:54+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.

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    Post count: 14413

    I don’t know, would it be better to meet someone else with add? Would you get along better if you both understood what each other was going through? Would you drive each other crazy? Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? I am 28 and have had problems with relationships for a very long time. I let little things about a person get to me, like things other people wouldn’t notice..things like how a person talks, or chews, or walks, just stupid weird things!! I need help, I am a good looking, young, single mom and I don’t want to be alone forever!!!!!!! :)


    Post count: 14413

    LOL The site’s Forgot Password feature would be busy!


    Post count: 14413

    LOL The site’s Forgot Password feature would be busy!


    Post count: 14413

    Yeah! And the site’s forgot password feature would be busy too! :)= Oh hey yeah and….SQUIRREL!!

    Don’t worry- you won’t be alone “forever!!!!” :) Maybe you’ll find someone just as quirky as you. I just hope you aren’t being overly critical of people, that can hinder your path to “coupleness”. But who knows, I had a friend who “went black and never came back” so who knows, whatever floats our boats.

    I was a young single momma myself, now that I’m in a relationship with someone I live with– I miss my alone-ness. That stuff is like gold, except we don’t know what it’s worth until we don’t have much of it left. At least, that’s how I feel. (Oh, I miss the days of just me and my gal buddy HBO, accompanied by jammies, steak, and Mr. ceasar salad…)

    You know what I wish? That people were telepathic. That way- I wouldn’t be annoyed about silly random questions and miniscule decisions, people would just know what I am thinking. Errrg…sometimes it is hard to socially multitask and deal with the petty yet necessary things needed to function “out there”…

    Maybe you should put out an ad: “SF w/ ADD seeks to add a SM w/ADD”… and see how it goes?! Ha! I think an ADD dating group is an interesting, possibly good and definitely entertaining idea! (My imagination is coming up with some funny stuff.) :)=


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Nah, it would never work, because potential couples would never meet up. Each person would show up at the wrong place, at the wrong time or on the wrong day.

    And even if they did somehow manage to show up at the right place at the right time, they wouldn’t know it, because they’d forgotten to wear the one item they’d told the other person they’d be wearing in order to be recognized!


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473


    What if you go agree to meet your ADD partner at a specific time and place. Then you hit it off. You go dancing. On the dance floor you cut loose, then get separated, then can’t remember what they look like. So you just leave with the first person who makes eye contact.

    This could explain a lot of single’s bars.

    You could argue all dating websites are for people with ADHD. It’s fast, efficient, you don’t have to listen.

    I don’t know if it’s better if both people have ADHD. In hindsight that seems to be how my first marriage went.

    But what really sabotaged it was not knowing.

    Had we known…

    And that’s the territory you don’t want to go into. Cause now I’ve got Ava and I’m a very happy bunny.

    Dating someone with ADHD/ADD isn’t the issue. It’s whether the other person understands it, and knows how it shows up. So they realize what’s going on when we appear to tune out. And so on.


    Post count: 14413

    One never knows when it hits you..

    Wh it happends you’ve been trhouwn all over the country.. seem to have been having really really good fun…

    But what came to be and what way.. and was it me or the other….

    Only time will tell.. if one gets overly confident to share oneself with the significant other… when you may see that maybe alcpohol isn’t so good.. when you see the face being yours but you don’t know the reflection.. Is it you or the significant other… or is it just the fumes..

    Oh, well one just has to be ready to face whatever it will be.. which is almost always just around the corner.. or ewas it a tree.. or….. *wanders somewhere*


    Post count: 12

    it doesn’t matter if you are to be with a person with or without adhd. there are a some things that matter greatly though.

    one being the fact that the person is making sure to be willling & able to learn about adhd as much as they possibly can. we are by being on here, and possibly other sites as well, so they should do so also showing the effort & the ability also. another site that might be benificial to you, if you don’t already know about it, is http://www.momswithadd.com. (and it can be used with guys also!)

    another, is by making sure that they are willing to accept you, (and your kids), whether they have adhd also or not. yes, it’s hard to have the patience to do so, but it can be done, but only by the ‘right’ person.

    make sure to be yourself and have open and honest comunication. i have been, and i found a man not long ago, (well, to me!), who does have adhd, yet doesn’t take meds, as i do. i’m able to be myself, and am relaxed much more around him than i am around even family members and friends, as he is around me. yeah, i’ve got my prefrences, as does he, but we’re able to tell each other about those things without being ashamed about them. him and i have our ‘flaws’, but we’re helping each other out, and that’s what a person really needs within their spousal relationship.

    also, make sure that you have the self-esteem to ‘stand-up’ for yourself before you even try to find anyone else. i had to learn that lesson the ‘hard way’. i had a very low self-esteem when i met my soon-enough ex, and i unfortunately fell into an emotional/control abusive relationship for 14 years. i didn’t know, (and am still learning how), to take care of myself and my children, but i know what the signs are within an abusive relationship, no matter what type. it’s hard for me to do some things without help right now, but i’m making sure that even though i was abused as i grew, and within my marriage, i’m making sure that to do what i can to have it so my children that are 2, 4, and 6 years of age, don’t go through what i did. only make sure to only get as much help that you can get from the ‘pros’ as you can handle. don’t overwhelm yourself by going ‘full boar’ with all at once. that can be worse than none at all.

    if you want, go to http://www.heart-2-heart.ca/ and you’ll be able to see if you have been abused, (for both men and women!), and many aspects and actions that can go along with it.

    i know that it is possible to find another who you can be with, and in a more happier way than you can imagine, so just make sure not to give up! good luck, and take care! :-)


    Post count: 14413

    Sweetpwggirl…I had to laugh when you said that the way someone talks, walks or chews bugs you!

    Oh man! That is so true!

    I divorced my first husband because he irritated me That Much!!!!!!!!!!

    It’s like water on a rock! Just wears thin really fast…

    However, there are partners out there who won’t irritate you like that…those other ones are just the wrong ones, that’s all.

    My momma used to say that you gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince….

    : ))

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