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Re: I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.

Re: I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.2010-09-24T16:04:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL. Re: I wish there was a dating site for people with add LOL.


Post count: 14413

One never knows when it hits you..

Wh it happends you’ve been trhouwn all over the country.. seem to have been having really really good fun…

But what came to be and what way.. and was it me or the other….

Only time will tell.. if one gets overly confident to share oneself with the significant other… when you may see that maybe alcpohol isn’t so good.. when you see the face being yours but you don’t know the reflection.. Is it you or the significant other… or is it just the fumes..

Oh, well one just has to be ready to face whatever it will be.. which is almost always just around the corner.. or ewas it a tree.. or….. *wanders somewhere*