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Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.

Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.2012-09-10T16:00:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments I wonder if I'm addicted to this site. Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.


Post count: 303

I agree, Nellie. One of the things I get here is serious discussion about ADHD, with people who actually know and relate to the the ADHD topic. You all BELIEVE me!!!! My first interaction was with Dr. Jain and another person, when I submitted a question via email about ADHD. It was nice to have someone take the subject seriously.

I don’t get that in “real life,” not even with those who know me best. Hubby has come a long way, but even still, you all can totally relate to me, because most of you have ADHD, as well. I receive a lot of support here that I just don’t get “out there.” That level of support is what keeps me coming back. I’m scared of actual in-person group therapy, so this is as good as it gets for me.

Also, the gobs of information here arms me to face the people who tell me it’s all in my head. Well, I suppose it is all in my head, but it’s still a real thing, from which I’ve really suffered and a real-life struggle.