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Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.

Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.2012-09-10T02:02:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments I wonder if I'm addicted to this site. Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.


Post count: 929


Thanks a billion you guys. I feel tons better. I’ve thought about it. And I can give you a good solid YES on both questions Kc. Good questions too. Thanks for the encouragement. That’s huge for me. In my own journal, encouragement has been one of the things I haven’t always gotten enough of. I provide it for myself now, and I know there’s a good God always there encouraging me too. I’ve managed to read the Bible nearly every day lately too. That’s an excellent source of encouragement for me.

You really are so very thoughtful Scattybird. I agree with all that you’ve said too. Thanks for taking the time.

From now on I’ll see myself as passionate about this ADHD life recovery place. It only feels like addiction when I’m not doing enough in the rest of my life to get my needs met. So I’ve just been out of balance lately, and depending too much on this site. And eat ice cream!. wups, off topic alert.

You guys, and lot’s of other folks in this camp have encouraged me, and not even on purpose some times. How can I ever put this gratitude into words?. Oh I know!. I’ll keep sharing about how what I learn here is helping me grow in my life. Duh!, huh? hehe. N keep clowning around, that’s a must. And eat cookies!. NTS buy cookies.

I managed to get out of the house and hang out with some new friends today, good quality time. A difficult part of what I’m doing to live with my ADHD. A more humble and sensible job of choosing friends. Kinda rebuilding my life in some ways.

I’m super glad I decided to check in. I’ve struck gold here, and I’m digging it. :-) You’re right Geoduck. This place is lovable!. It’s the human contact thing. I just need to get more from other places, not so much my computer. Thanks for making it not so much of a big deal.

It felt risky asking that question, n letting you guys see how needy I can be/feel. It’s not a crime though huh?. I’m hopeful about doing better at getting my needs met away from my computer. I will be patient. I’ll be satisfied with slow progress.

Love n peace gang
