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Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.

Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.2012-09-10T02:29:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments I wonder if I'm addicted to this site. Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.


Post count: 146

I’ve only been here for a short while but I totally appreciate all the posts I’ve read here. There’s nothing like others helping others. And this site and all the posts here have been a great help to me for getting past a lot of stuff with my ADHD.

Keep up the good stuff Robbo! And sometimes you have to be unbalanced for a while to get balance. Ok, ok so maybe I stole a little bit from Eat, Pray, Love but Add/hd people can get going the backwards road to balance I believe. And am glad I found a place where we can share how we are, what we’ve got, and it’s all ok!

I have to go clean off the boat now. Can you be addicted to boating?