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Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.

Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.2012-09-10T14:45:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments I wonder if I'm addicted to this site. Re: I wonder if I'm addicted to this site.


Post count: 596

So true, I agree with all of you above! I check in several times a day usually! Like Scatybird I also look for the “old names” in the forums.

Funny thing late last night I was watching a documentary on twins ( bear with me I swear it’s relevant!!). The showcased twins were inseparable and one of the psychologist /researchers made a comment about people identifying with one another if there is a lot in common so obviously twins are the ultimate example of sameness. That’s a pretty obvious statement but it triggered my thoughts about this site and how the people on it interact with one another. Now obviously we are not twins but our experiences sure mirror one another’s and perhaps that is why we are so connected in a way that is unusual for people who are not likely to ever meet!