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Re: “If you were ready to change then you would…”

Re: “If you were ready to change then you would…”2011-01-05T15:37:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad "If you were ready to change then you would…" Re: “If you were ready to change then you would…”


Post count: 14413

LadyG, for what it’s worth, I struggle with this every single day of my life. I want to change, I beat the crap out of myself 24 hours a day telling myself to change and guess what? I don’t.

I can’t imagine you aren’t “ready” to change or you wouldn’t make the effort you described in your initial post.

I wish I could find a way to just program my mind with executable instructions that it would carry out automatically jujst like a competer processor. Somewhere out there, I suspect there is an answer or one in development.