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Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions

Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions2010-12-09T13:38:15+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions


Post count: 14413

Yes that is what happen to me exactly and the hard part for me is constantly explaining to family and friends- they just do not understand us one bit.

I know the tears sometimes I just feel like breaking down and say screw why bother anymore !

I love all these sites but I would love to have an ADD coach but unless I have some amazing dug plan or loads of money it will never happen.

But I do not feel it is right if you make mention to your supervisor they should inform management to make some sort of provisions for you to do your job .