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Re: I'm so relieved… and so angry.

Re: I'm so relieved… and so angry.2010-12-12T17:00:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Angry I'm so relieved… and so angry. Re: I'm so relieved… and so angry.


Post count: 14413

Wow, Bell, you have described a lot of my own life. Only, I am 58 and have a husband who is also has his own agenda of ADHD symptoms. I am new to this forum, my first reply and I am many of the things you have written on and then some. I will continue to use this brand new website in hopes to get more information on ‘all the things I never knew I was about’ and I welcome comments, too. I think I may have found a new playground for adults like me in caring, talking, laughing, sharing, and crying with each other. At least, I hope so. I want to live my life instead of being a visitor in it, too.