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Re: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it

Re: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it2011-01-17T06:44:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it Re: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it


Post count: 14

Squeeler – I shared this thread with my one girlfriend. I found her response to be, ah, enlightning:

> “If a dog bites you every time that you try take his bone away, why would you continue to try take the bone?”<

“That’s the kind of [bleep] that a person who physically abuses someone would say. “You know that it makes me so angry that I can’t control myself when you do that!!! Why do you make me do this!!” Squeeler is putting all of the blame on you, just like an abuser puts all of the blame on their significant other.

“Tell Squeeler there’s another chick from Texas that’ll take his freakin bone and then happily beat the [bleep] out of him with it. :-)

And while she expressed it rather, um, “colorfully”, her position is true. Because, in reality, if I had a dog that bit me every time I tried to take its bone away, I would call in Cesar Milan to rehabilitate the dog so that it quit biting anyone anywhere for whatever reason. And if that didn’t work – the best help from the top expert – I’d put the damn dog down.

Alas, that’s not an option in my situation. Sending the dog to a shelter or dumping it on a country road also isn’t an option. My best current option is to limit my exposure to the dangerous, hair-trigger, biting dog. Dangerous dogs do not get to sleep at the foot of the bed and have the run of the house. They are kept in a kennel or on a short leash. Also not options in my case, so I am confining myself to the kennel, for safety’s sake. When the dog will fetch you its bone, wag its butt like a happy puppy, drop the bone at your feet, and sit waiting for you to pick it up and throw it for him – and then tears your arm off when you reach for the bone. . . well, it quits being about the goodness or rightness of the bone. Yes, the dog can have it’s frickin’ bone. Who cares? But does it have to keep bringing it to me and then shredding me when I try to interact with it and / or the dog? That, my friend, is insanity.

At no point do I think that “letting it go” and forgiving the psycho dog for biting me – repeatedly, with no warning – is the answer.