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Re: in an instant….

Re: in an instant….2010-03-13T14:46:48+00:00

Post count: 28

Hi Veronica,

As a former impulsive shopper, I now have a few strategies in my back pocket.

One is to have a fun shop at value village- a binge there is usually a lot cheaper! I like to check out their books especially. Another thing I do is walk around a store like homesense, grab some stuff I want to buy impusively and then that guilty feeling usually starts to creep up about debt and not needing more “stuff”) and then I put it all back (or just park the cart and leave; sorry retail staff!)

That seems to relieve my need to shop a bit without actually paying for anything, or paying quite a bit less.

I also just try not to hit the malls as much because if I do it’s usually not pretty.

And I’m not sure where you’re located, but a good website (canadian) to research deals is redflagdeals.com; there are tons of posts about what the best deals are going on for everything. That might save you some research time and make your hubby happy.

I also usually get rid of my credit cards or just have one with a low limit. That helps to keep things in check a bit more.

Hope that helps!