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Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?

Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?2011-06-17T00:51:39+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with? Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?


Post count: 14413

SG, borderline is hard, but at least you are pretty much ON the border. If you look at your past in a different light, you may find that your scoring changes anyway. I did well when you look at things one way, as I have a degree and a good job BUT I can see my struggles. I was a bookworm, but I couldn’t focus on textbooks unless I was in peace and quiet. I loved short answer and multiple choice tests and my success there covered for the fact that I often failed to hand in major written assignments. I enjoyed maths but I got poor grades because I needed more time than the exams allowed (I struggled to interperet the written format of the questions and translate them to straight math equations), and times tables have never been a strong point!!

I told one of my son’s previous teachers about his ADHD diagnosis and he seemed quite surprised initially. He said “but he was so quiet in my class”. But when I pointed out that so much else was explained by the diagnosis, he agreed with it all. I think people tend to forget about the inattentives. Just because he was quiet, doesn’t mean he didn’t have any ADHD symptoms. They were just all inattentive with a couple of the less obvious impulsive and hyperactive traits chucked in. Just like me. And his teacher certainly agreed that ADHD explains an awful lot about his primary school difficulties. Both my son and I score 9/9 for inattentive traits, and have 4-5 of the hyperactive/impulsive ones. I have only “failed” one online test – because I wasn’t hyperactive enough! Maybe I should start printing them out (in all the various formats) and take them to my psych’s appointment 😉 Just in case he thinks hyperactivity is a must for an ADHD diagnosis.

Now I just need to get my daughter sorted. She has enough autistic traits for her psychologist to have looked further into it, but not enought to result in any diagnosis. So she is on the wrong side of the border there. So unlike my son, she will never get concessions for her issues. She also has generalised anxiety disorder from the pressure of school, though she has a great teacher this year and she is so much happier and more relaxed. I worry about high school next year though. Her teacher and I have a plan in place to set her up for high school and get her used to regular homework (a real anxiety provoker for her), so I am hugely grateful that she has him as a teacher this year.

What a nutty family we are 🙄