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Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?

Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?2011-06-13T16:56:07+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with? Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?


Post count: 128

@sugargremlin I believe part of the definition of ADD is the impairment. 11 hrs to do a 6 hour job? That sounds impaired to me. I was working 10 to 12 hours to do an 8 hour job and ended up losing it due to mistakes. I was under pressure to process as much as 150 invoices for payment in a single day. The best I could do, on a really good day, was between 80 and 100 and mistakes and were inevitable. The mistakes were the main reason I lost the job.

Just keep educating yourself about the symptoms and looking at your life and how much trouble things really were to do and how much it cost you to do them. I have been looking at my life in this way and realizing sometimes to my horror how much it cost me to get as far as I did. I also realized that I have been in denial about some of the symptoms. I have been denying the hyperactive part, I had just gotten very good at hiding the fidgeting, disguising it as doodles and “exercising my legs under my desk” etc. Also I would drop my click pen on the desk so it would bounce while I was on the phone or I played cards while waiting for technical assistance on the phone at work, etc.