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Re: Is thoughts of death and suicide signs of ADD?

Re: Is thoughts of death and suicide signs of ADD?2011-02-03T23:44:11+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other Is thoughts of death and suicide signs of ADD? Re: Is thoughts of death and suicide signs of ADD?


Post count: 546

I was bullyed when I was in school and all I can say is I am sorry for your lose. I hated it when I was young and undiognosed thinking if I could just quit school then things would be all right. I still never realy fit in and always tried to hang whith the older croud because I had a brother that tried to help me fit in . finaly no such luck. I have been so add over the years including friends . When socalizing and still not fitting in I end up at age 48 and few freinds ,thats ok I kind of like it that way already. I don’t undersand why all those things that I thought I left behind in my youth are coming back to hant me at this age. as if this is some strange form of midlife thing that I have no clue what it’s all about.

the one thing I can say is things when they build up people think and do crazy things. I know I found myself going to google and typing in the pros and cons of suiside. and the one argument that helped me was there is someone at least one person realy hurt by this. it made me think of my two boys stratiened out the thinking any way.