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Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers

Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers2012-08-16T17:08:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

I was tested about 12 years ago, after I’d gone through a year of very traumatic events. At that time, my I.Q. was found to be in the 93rd percentile. That is, only 7% of the population is more intelligent than I am. I might score higher now that my life is much calmer. But I’d still have a lot of trouble with the math and geometry questions.

However, I.Q. is problematic, because the tests measure what the testers define “I.Q.” to be.

In the early years of the 20th Century, the I.Q. tests given to immigrants at Ellis Island (many of whom had never even held a pencil before) included questions like “Who is Babe Ruth?” and “What is Crisco?”

Most of these immigrants had never heard of either—coming, as they did, from tiny villages in Eastern Europe—so they were marked as idiots, morons, or imbeciles—three terms which applied to specific low score ranges on those early tests—which led to the many jokes about Polish people being stupid.

Today, we know that I.Q. (“Intelligence Quotient” – how smart you are) isn’t nearly as important as E.Q. (“Emotional Quotient” – what you can do with it). I suspect that many of us here have high I.Q.s but significantly lower E.Q.s.