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Re: It may be too late for me

Re: It may be too late for me2010-11-10T03:43:55+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story It may be too late for me Re: It may be too late for me


Post count: 14413


I am just like you. It is neat to hear that I am not alone. I just found out that I have sluggish cognitive tempo. I have always had big time anxiety. I have gone thru terrible depression. I have found exercise and diet helps me a lot. Stimulants were the worst thing that I have done. I was nuts for 5 months and didn’t know it. Read books on cognitive behavior therapy. Learn as much as you can about yourself. It will get better. A good phrase to use is, I can’t change it. Put the crap behind you . Enjoy the power of now. You are a new person. Good luck