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Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?

Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?2010-05-10T14:40:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted? Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?


Post count: 16


You wrote above:

“Not only is it true that… “You don’t really know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” but when you realize it’s gone, you can spend so much time in regret, sorrow, mourning, beating yourself up, angry at the lost opportunity, etc. etc. etc. that you now miss another day that’s passed you by. Or a week. Or a decade.”

Your comment is wise although I fell less like “You don’t really know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” than “You now realise what you might have had but it’s gone.”

I’ve been on this kind of trip before and I’m determined not to let feelings like those that you have listed get in the way of turning things around. I think what you are describing is grief at the loss of a part of your life. It’s a huge loss and it is very natural and reasonable to feel grief. For many of us there are dreams that have to go from the “To Do” list into the garbage can simply because the stage of life where they made sense has passed. For others, the aftermath of impulsive decisions needs to be dealt with. Most have taken a real financial hit over the years and who knows how many have ended up with criminal records. It is all part of the “Emotional Journey” that you have used as a label part of this site. I think it’s a necessary journey but one that shouldn’t last too long.

I mentioned to a friend a week ago that I am now looking forward to the future as I never have before. I want to live a life that’s less scattered, get on with dreams that make sense, make some new ones and be that person inside who wants so badly to get out. I don’t really know what all of this looks like yet but it’s got to be better than where I’ve been.