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Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?

Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?2010-05-15T23:47:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted? Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?


Post count: 58

I’m enjoying this string. Fred’s comment reminded me of when I had a psycho-ed reevaluation as an adult. I’d been evaluated ~age 13 and was found to have dyscalculia, an LD. In my 20’s I was applying to graduate programs and in order to get extended time for standardized tests, I need a recent evaluation, so I was reevaluated. At the appointment where we reviewed the findings, the evaluator told me, “You’re GTLD”. I thought for a moment, then replied, “Greater than learning disabled?”

Now I’m wondering if you’ve got multiple diagnoses, which goes first? ADDGTLD? LDGTADD? LDADDGT? Can I add my degrees? GTLDADDPhDMPH? Or MPHPhDADDLDGTADD?

Jeez! Talk about alphabet soup!