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Re: Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas?

Re: Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas?2010-12-08T08:22:58+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas? Re: Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas?


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I’ve raised three kids and a grandchild. As other folk say ADHD is genetic and so are kids (duh:-). One of your jobs, as parent, is to demonstrate, by example, how to live. The kids will appear to ignore everything you say, anyway:-). Should some of your kids inherit significant ADHD traits, this is doubly important. Don’t freak out. The example set by your pursuit of effective treatments, tools, and techniques is just as important as actually finding them. Hang in there and enjoy the journey,

Before treatments, tools, and techniques, there needs to be knowledge. Without knowledge, how can you evaluate remedies? The journey has just begun. It has begun with the knowledge that you share these traits with a lot of other people and you are not alone. I particularly like the books by Dr. Hallowell.

My experience is that kids record your behaviors and judgments all the time – even before they can talk and walk. You will find this out after they reach 30 (no joke). There is no such thing as a perfect parent.

My family tree:

– formally diagnosed with ADHD: self, 2 kids and two grand-kids

strongly suspected, based on family stories told by more than one relative

– my mother, her father, and his father.

What are the odds that ADHD is genetic? What about your family? If they survived and thrived, how did they do it?


Tim: roger that!