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Re: Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas?

Re: Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas?2010-12-08T16:40:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas? Re: Just getting started, but can't do meds, Ideas?


Post count: 14413

I had discovered one of the best non medical treatments for ADD is to start a self training course. There is an old saying – How do you eat a cow – One piece at a time. :) It’s strange but absolutely true. Before I was diagnosed with ADD I discovered I had a tendency to leap to the finish line before I even got started. This type of impulsive behaviour had gotten me into deep trouble. I discover the goals would become much easier to achieve once I start writing them down. Each day I focus on the steps involve in each stage of these goals. I wouldn’t put a time limit on the detail since I know it will only drive me to distractions. Once I reach and finish the step I reward myself. Before I know it the main goal will be within reach. This exercise had given me a tool to formulate and concentrate. It allow me to be creative and yet at the same time learning to become organize. How to make order from chaos is my motto. I hope this helps.