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Re: Just need to vent

Re: Just need to vent2011-10-09T06:03:12+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Just need to vent Re: Just need to vent


Post count: 445

Hey Steve: Welcome to the club. Here’s how it works: Many forum members will offer you support and advice. The support is heart-felt and the advice is often useful. Sometimes VERY useful. The only thing we seem to lack is a lot of ongoing input from credentialed specialists. They’re out there, but they don’t weigh in very often. So if you’re looking for support and a place to commiserate, you’ve come to the right forum. If you’re looking for regular expert advice, it’s sort of hit or miss.

One of the first things you’ll notice is that ADD presents different challenges for different people. It’s a VERY big tent. Some people see it as a blessing—they wouldn’t want to change a thing. Others see it as a curse—infecting every aspect of their lives with disastrous consequences. Then, of course, there are people in the middle. You’ll figure out who’s who fairly quickly. By all means, join the conversation.

I’m one of those people who believes ADD is toxic for relationships—IF your symptoms are severe AND if you can’t mitigate them with effective medication. Charm and a great sense of humor work for a while, but not so much “for the long haul.” There are several strings here started by partners who are about to lose their minds. Read them if you dare. I would offer only one bit of advice: don’t ever allow yourself to think that because you have an “issue, ” your partner should understand and cut you an abundance of slack. It doesn’t work that way very often. YOU need to understand you have a problem and do everything you can to work around it so it doesn’t leave your partner always cleaning up your messes—literally and figuratively. Good luck.