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Re: Just watched this program and have some questions, help please

Re: Just watched this program and have some questions, help please2010-12-12T07:53:46+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Need Help! Just watched this program and have some questions, help please Re: Just watched this program and have some questions, help please


Post count: 14413

First, don’t give up! There is hope and help! You should get diagnosed to know for certain but I have felt all you are feeling and I know how tough it is! As far as, love and marriage, of course, it is possible for you. If you do have ADD then there are medications and counselors that can guide you. You also have support from others on this site, who KNOW how you feel and are here for you too. The good thing is that you are still young! I just now got diagnosed at 40 and I feel a bit frustrated, wondering what I could have done with my life differently had I gotten the help I needed long ago. Go to your doctor and discuss this with him/her. (Take the tests and info on here with you, check out the downloads from the diagnosis section.) If they don’t listen to you or dismiss you (as this happens A LOT) don’t give up! Go to another doctor and keep on going to doctors until someone listens and helps you figure out what is going on. And don’t forget that people do love you…even if you “feel” like they don’t! I completely know what you mean there but you have to keep telling yourself the truth…you are loved! Let your most trusted friend or relative know what you are feeling and have them check out this site too…support is so helpful!! Remember that us ADDers are here for you too!