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Re: Learning disabbilitys and ddhd

Re: Learning disabbilitys and ddhd2011-01-13T11:38:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Learning disabbilitys and ddhd Re: Learning disabbilitys and ddhd


Post count: 546

thanks, for all the help .I tried getting a second opinon talked to a psycholgist the problem was that he said the wanted to see the report from my first test.. after that I was toald that it had been very complete. so he said there was nothing he could add ,until I had treatment for my thoughts of suiside. the did not tell me where to get help just to come pick up all my papers. I would love to buy a microphone that i could talk and and it would do the typing for me. these people are all very hard on a persons self eseem. O well I will just keep trying. I would like to say thank-you for all the help and suport.