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Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?

Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?2010-05-20T13:17:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Stuck in Regret/Anger Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do? Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?


Post count: 14413

i need help i am on an emotional rollercoaster as well, was diagnosed 3 years ago but didnt take it all that serious,

feeling very angry right now about all the crap i had to take growing up for something i couldnt control,

this site has been very helpful, can afford meds or therapist, i do go to support group but feel its not enough,

would love to attend the workshops but its way too far for me i live in NJ, trying fish oil 5 htp and exercise.

i love this site it has woken me up to this impairment. can anyone help?