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Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?

Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?2010-03-18T15:12:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Stuck in Regret/Anger Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do? Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?


Post count: 82

Ok, WW.

1. You need to consider are you REALLY worse off now than you were before you discovered your ADD tendencies/challenges? http://totallyadd.com/welcome#/emotionaljourney/ From what I’m learning, it’s a process of Shock, Relief, but also Grief and there is Anger mixed in there too. Just see Rick’s http://totallyadd.com/three-inches-less

2. If you want a lifeskills coach but can’t pay for one, go to http://www.flylady.net There are over 550,000 people World Wide who use her for overcoming their “sidetrackedness” (read ADD tendencies). It’s starts with decluttering your surroundings (which may help with your depression) and shining your sink so the focus is on family and home but there are men who follow her advice. There is also a control journal for home and one for work and tips on time management and organization.

3. Remember three things; you are smart, creative and strong. That a journey of a thousand steps starts with only one (so don’t be overwhelmed, do just ONE thing) and that Attitude IS everything (so focus on what you are doing RIGHT instead of what you are doing wrong).

I think some people believe that being identified is the end of the journey. They don’t realize it’s just the border of a new unexplored country, a beginning.

And that’s enough from me, best wishes on your journey.