The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › Stuck in Regret/Anger › Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do? › Re: Life is worse than ever since being diagnosed. What do I do?
Hi there
I get where you’re coming from. I’m sorry it’s been such a rough road. I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago and am surprised at how difficult the road to managing this disorder is. I am taking medication but find it doesn’t help as much as I had hoped. And though I am extremely motivated to make change, I fall off the freaking wagon two seconds after I get on (because I forgot what I was doing ;o). Sometimes I think the fact I didn’t know what was wrong a few years ago kept me telling myself to “pull up my bootstraps” no matter what. Now that I can see my issues as longstanding and something I won’t just “get over”, everyday I end up feeling like a total tool. But I figure I have to keep going with this. And hearing some of the stories on this website helps me to not feel so alone and think that I can keep going with this.
I do actually have a coach now, who is helpful, but I have to tell you it’s not a cure. And it’s pricey. It helps to keep me getting back up and trying again, and it is still mostly me figuring out where I need to go with this. But from what you write I think you have the same feeling that keeps me from giving up- you know deep down that you are driven to do something meaningful and more satisfying than what you are going through now.
So I have a few thoughts: Are you getting treatment/support for your depression?
For the ADHD: Have you tried a support group? I don’t know where you’re located, but there is a good one in toronto that meets about twice a month. I believe if you go to you can look up groups there and might find something useful. It can be great to just talk to others going through it.
:o) A fellow ADD’er