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Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site

Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site2011-07-09T03:46:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site


Post count: 14413

lol. I am such a disaster moving. I get so overwhelmed by stuff and get the dreaded “packing OCD”. It is pretty ferocious. I don’t actually have OCD, just when packing. The last time I was determined that it wasn’t going to happen, but it did and with the same intensity, maybe even more. Last move, I used 3 rolls of packing tape and a whole roll of shrink wrap for a single person to move crap 2 miles. I literally ran around the house with the tape gun in frantic circles lol. some friends were helping me move and I chased one down with the tape gun when he tried to take a non taped plastic dresser. I am a special human being =). I’m going to buy some more organizers soon and do a bit more decluttering.

lol at the video… yeah.. sounds familiar. the things I am about to buy an organizer for are totally less priority than the dirty floor and dust bunny colony, but much more pleasing. Although, the first organizer was a priority due to all the important papers I was misplacing. I do it with school work too. I would do all the easiest stuff first and spend huge amounts of time to find myself rushed and stressed when I had yet to start the bigger things.