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Re: Made social errors and never knew it

Re: Made social errors and never knew it2011-10-15T20:59:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Made social errors and never knew it Re: Made social errors and never knew it


Post count: 1096

Yep – I know what you mean. I managed to offend two people today and all I did was express an opinion about a football game. It makes me very aware now about joining into social conversations especially at work. It’s my natural tendency to blab on but I now try to stay quiet. Problems is then people think I am being moody. I guess I have an off-the-wall sense of humor and nobody around me seems to get it – apart from my hairdresser but I am convinced she has ADHD. Why shouldn’t we be able to express an opinion without some jerk saying it’s inappropriate. Inappropriate for what? As long as it’s not hurtful what’s the problem. SORRY guys – just been a bad day but I shouldn’t dump on you. But seriously, how many folk out there are scared to speak socially in case they make a social error? And it’s SOOOOO difficult not to talk!! 😯