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Re: Medical Marijuana Cataplex G and Bacopa Complex for ADD

Re: Medical Marijuana Cataplex G and Bacopa Complex for ADD2010-02-26T04:19:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General Medical Marijuana Cataplex G and Bacopa Complex for ADD Re: Medical Marijuana Cataplex G and Bacopa Complex for ADD


Post count: 14413

I imagine marijuana would just increase ADD symptoms or effectively cancel out

the effects of other drugs which are supposed to reduce them. You’d probably go

from controlled ADD to uncontrollable ADD with the munchies. On top of that, it’s

such a complicated set of chemicals that it’s pretty near impossible to predict what,

if anything, might happen between it and any other drugs in the body. For sure there’s

no such thing as a prescription of medical marijuana for ADHD. It’s not even in the

right ball park, chemically, so that’s definitely a non-starter.

An internet search reveals Min-Tran, Min Chex and Cataplex G to be vitamin

and mineral supplements from a company called Standard Process, so those

are probably more a case of harmless profit for a nutritionist.

Bacopa looks like an interesting herb mostly for helping with memory, so that

probably doesn’t touch ADHD at all other than helping to compensate for one

of the symptoms.

I see nothing dangerous in any of them but if you are on any meds make sure

your doctor knows all of these products in case there’s a risk with interactions.