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Medical Marijuana Cataplex G and Bacopa Complex for ADD

Medical Marijuana Cataplex G and Bacopa Complex for ADD2010-02-22T23:18:53+00:00

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    Post count: 71

    Anyone have any experience with Nedical Marijauna – or just plane weed – with regards to treatong no hyper ADD.

    A nutitionist recently gave me Cataplex G and Bacopa – just started taking it and and going to see how it goes. She also gave me Min-Tran and/ or Min Chex. Each is taken twice per day abpout 2 to 3 capsules per supplement.

    Any experience with any of these supplemnts that have helped? Thanks


    Post count: 14413

    I imagine marijuana would just increase ADD symptoms or effectively cancel out

    the effects of other drugs which are supposed to reduce them. You’d probably go

    from controlled ADD to uncontrollable ADD with the munchies. On top of that, it’s

    such a complicated set of chemicals that it’s pretty near impossible to predict what,

    if anything, might happen between it and any other drugs in the body. For sure there’s

    no such thing as a prescription of medical marijuana for ADHD. It’s not even in the

    right ball park, chemically, so that’s definitely a non-starter.

    An internet search reveals Min-Tran, Min Chex and Cataplex G to be vitamin

    and mineral supplements from a company called Standard Process, so those

    are probably more a case of harmless profit for a nutritionist.

    Bacopa looks like an interesting herb mostly for helping with memory, so that

    probably doesn’t touch ADHD at all other than helping to compensate for one

    of the symptoms.

    I see nothing dangerous in any of them but if you are on any meds make sure

    your doctor knows all of these products in case there’s a risk with interactions.


    Post count: 14413

    It likely depends on what form of ADD/ADHD. Cannabinoids have been shown to slow down activity in the parietal lobe, among other effects. I’ve been following the research on this and it seems some researchers and doctors see this as a potential treatment in the future. Bear in mind that the disorder has different sub-types, which involve different areas of the brain. They are lumped in to the one disorder, even though some of them have vastly different mechanics.

    By no means am I suggesting to go out and smoke a lot of pot. Any form of self-medication carries significant risk. Smoking anything is bad for the respiratory system, although safer delivery vectors do exist, including pharmaceutical preparations. One such drug is called Sativex, approved for trial use by Health Canada. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about these things, especially when considering drug interactions as Aaron noted. If your doctor is unsure, consult with another doctor.

    All drugs have downsides and affect people differently, including psycho-stimulants. What may give positive results for many might not work for some others. Research has shown that 20 to 30 percent of ADD/ADHD-ers don’t respond to conventional medication. At the end of the day, our knowledge of this is still evolving. Some object to man-made chemical compounds, esp. psychotropics. By no means do we have the full picture, so it’s impossible to give a definitive Yes or No answer to the OP’s question. As with any medications, accompanying therapy and a willingness to change learned behaviours is critical to long-term success. Make sure your doctor is familiar with this and isn’t just going to write you a prescription and send you on your way.

    Here are some articles that deal with the topic of Cannabinoids to help alleviate ADD/ADHD and common co-existing conditions:







    Post count: 14413

    Many ADHDer’s are/were self medicator’s before they were diagnosed with ADHD. I smoked pot on a regular basis, until I had kids, and drug testing in the workplace started. I smoked small amounts 1 hit in the morning, 1 at night and did good until I had to stop. Only when I stopped did my true ADHD symptoms come out. I am now on a combo of Dexedrine and Strattera, and have been on this combo for about 10 months. I really don’t like the Strattera, because of side effects, but I was going to give it a honest chance.


    Post count: 14413

    This is open territory and I am aware that studies are underway looking at the combined and singular effects. Keep posted.

    Still, i have acted on behalf of patients who swear they feel better on THC and want to have it given under the Medical Exceptionality provisions. I have yet to be successful to get a case granted….


    Post count: 14413

    I know this may be a late, but i recently joined( thank you to the Add and Loving it!?). I use Medical Cannabis to help me at night, but i choose not to smoke it 1. for health reasons 2. I feel that when smoked it can be too heavy for me. So i choose to either eat or Vaporize it (both methods prove to be healthier than smoking), you can find information on Norcal.org site.

    I do find that using Cannabis for treatment i am more calm and in touch with my feeling and self. There are somethings that i find that i do more often when i am medicated and that is twitch and get more antsy, but my mind is calm. I also use more before i go to bed and find that it help me sleep (well let me clarify that i am still only running on a few hours every night, but it helps me get there rather than tossing).

    There are also different strain of Cannabis and each does have it’s own effect. There is the Indicas (body high) and Sativas (head high) you can also try the hybrids that have both strains. I am still working on what works best for me because the three i have not found a great balance but i am getting close.


    Post count: 14413

    Fascinating discussion. I have a question and a couple of comments in regard to this. I have smoked pot on & off for years, mainly for the fact that I enjoy it but also because, as Jvangey states, “i am more calm and in touch with my feeling and self” which is very helpful in getting me to put plans on paper and recognize things that I have been avoiding that I must get done. Unfortunately it rarely helps me get these things done (the down side).

    I was a disastrous student up until my junior year of high school when I was diagnosed (26 yrs ago) with ADD. I was put on Dexedrine and the difference in my grades was dramatic but I don’t recall any of the side effects it may have produced, if any.

    My question is; do the effects of a particular drug change from youth to adulthood and would Dexedrine still work for me? I have been frustrated over the last couple of years because I feel like a “working disaster” much of the time and I’ve asked my doctor to prescribe me Dexedrine on two separate occasions just to get talked into a prescription for Adderall xr and Strattera, neither of which i stuck with for any length of time due to the side effects.

    Does anyone here have experience with the use of Dexedrine over an extended period of time; 20yrs or longer? Will what worked in the past still work today?



    Post count: 2

    I use marajuana fairly regularly, although how effective it is regarding the ADD depends on the task at hand. On the other hand, I also suffer from bipolar disorder and for that, I often find that it helps me immensely with relaxation which both helps me to sleep (if I time it right) and also helps me not stress so much – stress and lack of sleep each being two of my biggest triggers for hypo-mania episodes related to the bipolar. It doesn’t mask my problems, but it helps me to reflect on issues more calmly and often I find that I’m putting too much energy into worrying about something that isn’t actually a threat to me, but rather a simple inconvenience and no more. In situations like that, realizing an over-reaction helps me to move onto a practical solution and/or simply being able to “get over it”.

    Using marajuana is helpful with the ADD if I’m facing repetative and/or boring tasks, such as cleaning, painting, or gardening, etc. The type of tasks that keep your hands busy but leave room for me to “step out” and work out issues mentally while I’m physicallly working. On the other hand, if I cannot confidently determine that I can eliminate immediate professional tasks or social interactions, or anything else that doesn’t leave room for distractedness, then I stay far away from it! In those types of circumstances I’m better to take the Dexidrine or just struggle through it.

    One thing I’ve learned about marajuana is that, like alcohol, your frame of mind and overall physical well-being, just as the potency of the substance, can significantly affect how you react to it. I do my best to take responsibility for my usage by being aware and honest with myself about how I feel, physically and emotionally, and base my decision to smoke or not to smoke accordingly.


    Post count: 14413

    first off i am for medical marijuana

    but let me ask those who do use this drug (in both scenes of the word) were you taking other prescribed ADD drugs?

    Dr. J.

    as i under sand it THC is a depressant and is it not standard treatment to use targeted simulates and a ANTI-depressants?

    i believe that a daily treatment of a standard drug regiment with a THC or melatonin (use as needed) for sleep regulation or emergency hyperactive/hyper focus deactivation

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