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Re: Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it?

Re: Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it?2011-01-03T16:35:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it? Re: Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it?


Post count: 89

Sorry, but that’s simply a load of BS cart. There are plenty of more effective meds available for every single malady that pot is prescribed for.

If all the tried and true ADD meds do NOTHING for you, then perhaps your medical team needs to take another look at their ADD diagnosis as it’s very likely it isn’t correct. As Dr Jain has said many times before, there are LOTS of other maladies that mascarade as ADD.

The meds are proven, and with today’s spectrum of choices one of them should provide at least some relief from ADD impairment. The side effect profile, on the other hand, is a seperate issue. The telling tale of ADD medication is what those closest to you see in terms of it’s effect. Our own perception can be very distorted. I’ve met people who were drunk or stoned believing they were geniuses while high when the truth of the matter was they were jotting down gibberish and pissing themselves on the way home from the party because it was cold out and they thought it would be a good idea to warm up.

The pro-pot lobby started as nothing more than a bunch of hippies with cancer who decided they wanted to spend their last days with their heads in the clouds rather than down here on planet earth.