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December 30, 2010 at 6:28 pm #88916
AnonymousInactiveDecember 30, 2010 at 6:28 pmPost count: 14413Hi,
I’m not diagnosed ADD yet by a specialist, but I know I am, and realised it only 2 months ago. By reading the adult ADD symptoms, it looks like someone wrote my behavior and personnality. During the holiday I’ve been informed that ADHD is present a lot in my family (father and mother’s side, some got diagnosed, others only show symptoms).
By reading on different website, I’ve read people using medical marijuanna as medication for overfocused ADD and seemed like a good medication for some people. I’m 27 years old and been smoking marijuanna since the age of 12, and in my opinion, I wouldn’t have been able to get friends nor been able to get through my bac and accepted in a master, if I didn’t have cannabis to control my anger, relax, sleep, endure pain,…
Here’s what I think marijuana have done for me:
– Help me go to sleep, I have a really hard time sleeping, wayyyyy too much is going on in my mind when I close my eye
– Help me socializing, I’m naturally shy guy, when I was young and I didn’t have friends except my neighbor, cannabis helped me A LOT getting to talk to other, hanging out with other student. Pot head are not all stupid lazy bad people, in fact, most of the friend I have now are really good people, intelligent, helpfulness, fun, and they accept me the way I am
– Might have helped me get rid of strong headache and asthma. I don’t know if this is only a coincidence, but when I was young I had a huge headache problem (strong prefrontal pain), I’ve passed an EEG but everything looked fine, they gave me pills, but it only was on use when I had the headache, never to prevent it. Also, even though I did a lot of sport (soccer, hockey, baseball, figure skating,…) I was dealing with asthma. But everything seemed to be fine when I began smoking. No more asthma, no more horrible headache, still have some, but they where a lot less painful.
– It help me get rid of physical pain. I do a lot of sport again (hockey, jiu jitsu, training) and always am at a high intensity level. Hockey, I often get wounded by slapshot I block. For jiu jitsu, well my articulation are going in direction they weren’t meant to be, so the pain is high… but damn I like those sport.
– Depending on the strain I was smoking, sometime I felt like cannabis helped me when doing my school exam (I’ve finished my BAC in electrical engineering, with an average of B, but never studied and 50% of the time, I smoked a joint just before the test) In fact, most of my highest grade I got, I was high…
– It helped me with eating. I’ve had a few periods where I didn’t smoke (thinking pot was my problem), and I lost a lot of weight, I almost eat nothing, it wasn’t rare that I didn’t eat at all during a day or had only one meal… I felt really bad so I went back to cannabis.
– Since I don’t really have the choice of strain with my pusher, most of the time I smoked indica strain (couch lock buzz)… which is good for my sleeping problem, but it got my depression to an higher level. Which is not what’s best for ADD, sativa strain is more of a head high buzz, so you get more social, more happy, but is impossible to get in street.
– Financial problems, I have to pay for that marijuanna, and it cost a lot.
So, what I understood for the usage of medication to help ADD symptom, is to get the patient have a better life while helping the patient getting the best out of him. Well for me, I think control usage of the right cannabis strain would be the best medication for me. First, the placebo effect is there, I strongly believe that medical marijuanna will work for me (as well as a good coaching, but I’m getting there). Second, all the benifits I gained through using cannabis I’ve wrote you. Also, I already know MANY things about this, I’ve read a lot on the effect of different strain, how they grow, how they affect you, the side effects…
Stopping cannabis would mean for me to change my friends (that’s what my 1st psychiatrist recommanded me), physical pain I go through (back, knee, small articulation (wrist, finger), shoulder, back neck….) would be really hard for me to handle and might stop me from doing sports. I might get problem with hunger, since I think most of ADD medication was altering the hunger in the wrong way.
I know there’s a lot of bad idea running through the population regarding the usage of cannabis, but I can tell you one thing, I felt at my best when I was able to control my consumption, wayyyyy better than when I tried to stop. I wish you could see this not as a illegal and immoral drug, but as a way of life that would get, I believe, the best of me. Of course, I’m not counting only on that to get better, but I think that if I was able to grow my own I would have a direct control on what I’m taking and could only help me. Also, I have plans in my head to get an autonome growing room (almost free of maintenance), and since I wan’t to work in R&D and start my own company, who knows, a growing room like this might just be one of my first product.
Every opinion is important! So I would like to know what do you think about marijuanna as medication?
REPORT ABUSEDecember 30, 2010 at 9:28 pm #98716
AnonymousInactiveDecember 30, 2010 at 9:28 pmPost count: 14413Hi js-cart,
After reading your post, I’ll be honest, I felt a bit worried and a bit… well … angry. The reason for the worry is that it sounds like you’ve used cannabis for virtually every aspect of your life. It appears that you’ve managed to find a use for it for not only virtually all of your waking hours, but all the hours that you’re asleep as well.
The use of medical marijuana is on the rise, and yes, plenty of studies have shown it to be helpful in particular doses for people with diseases that cause severe/chronic pain, and as well for those whose appetites are severely affected due to a disease. For these people with such conditions, the use of medical marijuana is generally prescribed and monitored to a degree through a doctor. The reason for that is so that a patient with an already debilitating disease doesn’t end up with a lower grade product through a ‘pusher’ or product laced with something like PCP or angel dust… which could kill them.
Another thing is, you may want to be careful with your current knowledge. From what I’ve read here, you might not be clear on a few things. Specifically, when you explained the usage of cannabis to help with your ADD sypmtoms, you said that “the placebo effect is there”. The problem with this statement is that a placebo is technically something that isn’t designed to work… at all. In medicine, it’s a benign control substance used to test whether or not a drug works. A placebo helps to prove whether a group of people simlpy “think” a drug is working, or actually working. Wikipedia says it a little better: A placebo (Latin: I shall please) is a sham or simulated medical intervention that can produce a (perceived or actual) improvement, called a placebo effect. So if the effect that you are getting from cannabis is a placebo for treating your ADD symptoms, then it doesn’t really work. You may just believe it does. Which, from the sounds of it, you do. I have no doubt that cannabis has helped to relieve some physical pain and appetite problems in the past for you, but to effectively treat ADD symptoms… not too sure there.
Which brings me to my second point. I wonder if the ADD symptoms you’ve identified in yourself are partly cause by long term and – what sounds like chronic – use of marijuana. Chronic and long term use of marijuana can dramatically decrease one’s motivation for daily tasks and other more long term things, which can lead to general problems with organization, priorities, etc. I’m not saying it’s like that for everyone, it’s just something to be aware of. I have and have had plenty of friends who smoke pot regularly, and this is something that – not only I notice – they do too.
This brings me to my third point. The thing about ADD/ADHD is that it’s difficult. In a nutshell, it really is quite difficult at times. School can be difficult, socializing can be difficult, sitting still can be difficult, relationships can be difficult, finances can be difficult, hell… feeling a sense of enjoyment from life can be difficult. What can make these things less difficult (and more enjoyable) is seeking a proper diagnosis, from a doctor who is qualified to do so, and then seeking out treatments that are known to work well, in general, for treating symptoms of ADD/ADHD. I was first diagnosed 20 years ago, and – although I’ve had my share of failures in life – I’ve also had my share of successes. I feel strongly that I wouldn’t have achieved those successes if I hadn’t received a proper diagnosis and sought out healthy and effective treatments over the course of those 20 years.
This brings me to my fourth and final point. I also know that without having confidence in myself and in my own personal strenghts, no form of treatment would work. At least not that well. For example, I’ve always been artistically/creatively talented. When I realized that I needed to find a career that suited my strengths, I chose graphic design because it’s suited to my strengths. Before realizing that, I actually didn’t have a lot of confidence. It’s strange, but after realizing all that, I felt a lot more confident in other areas of my life, socially, etc. Confidence breeds confidence. The thing about knowing your strenghts and having confidence in yourself is that it’s the foundation upon which all the other treatment methods for ADD are built upon. With out that, medical treatments and non medical treatments have nothing to grab hold onto. They don’t have a chance to take root.
Finally, I’ll end of by saying that you shouldn’t put more confidence and believe more strongly in cannabis than you do in yourself. My suggestion is that if you’re interested in finding out if you truly do have ADD/ADHD, seek a doctor who can introduce you to a proper test. That’s the most accurate method of finding out to date. If it turns out you do, then continue through life finding and using your strengths, and seek whatever healthy and effective treatments (diet, exercise, psychotherapy/coaching, medication, cognitive therapy) that you need along the way.
Sorry for the rant. That’s just my 2 dollars and 50 cents.
All the best.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 30, 2010 at 11:03 pm #98717
AnonymousInactiveDecember 30, 2010 at 11:03 pmPost count: 14413@Js-Cart – see previous thread…
I used to be against Cannabis, because i felt it made people lazy, but then i understood i was projecting. The feeling of mental calmness and being attached to emotions are awesome. That is what i feel now when i use MM (medicinal marijuana). I use it at night when i get home from work and i feel it does great for my wellbeing.
With that said i also believe it needs to be balanced with true AD/HD medication. It only does some of the work
Plus keep in mind there are many Strains of Cannabis and it helps to understand the feeling of each strain and how your body works with it.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 12:17 am #98718
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 12:17 amPost count: 14413I have to admit, I have on many occasions wanted to try marijuana to self-medicate.
I’m a fall-through-the-cracks ADDer who, because I had a lot of depression since childhood, I had a therapist who insisted I had concentration issues as a result of depression, not vice-versa. She was a new therapist, new PhD, new practice in Silver Spring, MD and I had good insurance. I don’t WANT to believe she was in it for the good paying client willing to go along with endless sessions of “woe-is-me, I’m so depressed” at $110 a session (insured). But 12 years later, still unable to sustain proper focus, lost to errant details and slightly less depressed I have no way of talking myself out of thinking that way about her. It doesn’t help that within about a year, she managed to afford to move her practice to Bethesda.
A few years after quitting her, I went to the hospital for a diagnosis, but ended up getting what was more of an intelligence test administered by a 22yr old intern with a few “games” (memory and computer) that are spot-on for hyperfocusing people like me (I see games as a chance to bedazzle people) ending up with a result of negative for ADHD (that pesky H!) I mean, they didn’t even take into account that I was 15 minutes late to the appointment and my papers were all out of order, holding us back another 15 minutes.
So I’ve been wanting to try self-medicating with pot. But then I get pissed off at seeing everyone around me easily getting help from their medical and psych professionals and here I am–trying to be proactive, in a difficult subject I had to overcome HUGE hangups about–yet ending up having to think about self-medicating even though the alleged “professionals” keep writing about how it’s bad to do that.
And I end up not doing pot, because I need something specific to help me focus properly (I either woefully under-focus or hyperfocus) and I’m not familiar with the strains.
I resent that I have to resort to think about pot. I hope they legitimize it soon so that proper strains for specific needs are regulated and a professional who knows about it can help me.
And that’s if I can actually MEET a professional. Once I called the practice of two authors of a very well-known ADD book for women and girls and whichever doctor it was I talked to had no advice or help to offer since she said they focus more on children (I guess the adults in her book were a footnote in her mind). Then she had no resources or contacts of who I can call. Well known authors. Pathetic.
Oh yeah, pot. Well, more power to you if it works for you. You got through school and beyond? Thumbs up. But please don’t be just another college grad slacker who isn’t any good in his “expertise”. I beg of you. I mean, you’ve already admitted to only putting in a minimum (barely studying) and that worries me. I have PhD friends who I’ve spoken to about this very subject. If you have any plans to go post-graduate, you’d better work on fixing that now or you’ll never get the recs to get in; or if you do, you will wash out.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 4:05 am #98719
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 4:05 amPost count: 14413I’ve smoked it in the past and it was a huge disaster for me–it intensified my symptoms of inattentive ADD though I didn’t know I had it at the time–and I score 9/9 on the quiz while straight. It made me paranoid and more self conscious when in a group and the only good thing I can say about it is that I had some great movies in my head when I closed my eyes. It’s been years now since I’ve smoked it and I don’t miss it a bit.
One thing that worries me is that you became an EE w/o studying and while stoned. I don’t want to get too preachy, but as an engineer you have a huge responsibility and the safety of the public rests on your designs. Think Boston Tunnel.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 6:29 am #98720Sorry guys, but I’m strongly of the viewpoint that medical pot is just an excuse to get high and hide from life.
There are far more optimal medications available to treat every “issue” people try and justify it for.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 7:16 am #98721
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 7:16 amPost count: 14413@Loafer77:
Don’t be that angry, even though I smoke a lot, I’ve been able to pass my BAC with an average of B and been accepted for a master degree that’s beginning in a few days. Cannabis is a lot looked at like a demon that you should avoid at all cost, well I think for me, that demon helped me get through a lot of things in life, more profound than what I’ve told here. Like the suicide of a friend in high school and the personnal faillite my familly went through. Before cannabis, I was totally disable to function in a place with a lot of people, too much distraction, too much to think about, and I had no friends because I was always shy and stayed in far from others.
Ok, what I meant by placebo effect was more of a “I think this will work best for me” so “this will work best for me”. I’ve been through a lot of research and I think that it’s important for someone that seek a better life to have something he’s confortable with and will not take it’s medication because he’s forced to. I do believe my self-medication helped me a lot, not just enough controled. Indica cannabis is indeed not that good for ADD symptom, but I can assure you that Sativa strains are good with ADD symptom : stimulates, gives motivation (associated with euphoria), help focusing and give a much much more pleasant personnality for other (rather than being quiet and overly interiorized) **sorry, I’m french, some of my word or sentence might be hard to understand as sometime I directly translate the french phrase in my mind** … So, I just think that there’s a lot of misconsception with cannabis, that often people get scared around this… but isn’t Ritalin a speed with lower dosage!!! I think the problem come with the name, not the function… On a personnal level, I would be more than happy to prove to everyone that even pot head can go far, real far in life!!!
I can assure you, my ADD is there, BUT, since I’ve used mostly low quality cannabis and most importantly INDICA strains, the ADD symptom got amplified, but a symptom to be amplified has to be there… I’ve asked myself the same question you are asking me now. I just needed to be sure that it wasn’t cause by my cannabis consumption. I found my ealier report card and it shows (mostly where professor write to parent about how it went), and what was coming out of it : inconstant effort, a lot of “you can do better”, problem with forgetting things, reading and writing and work property problems, talk in class when not appropriated. Here’s a few traduction from my professor : “… the easy path is beginning to harm JS, can do better if he gives is maximum …” or “…you need to understand the value of listening and application (effort) … You have a big understanding capability, but your desire to go fast fast (not a type error, she did wrote fast twice) will get you into trouble … ” Remeber all of this was between the age of 6 and 11 years old. Also, I consider myself lucky to have the familly I have, they supported me much way much more than what I can see in other familly.
Also, I would like to point out that since I’ve read about ADD and told my familly about it, I informed them of what it was and they realised I wasn’t lying, my mother even told me she found hard because she always though she has done something wrong. I don’t only have the bad thing about ADD, also the good ones : intelligence, creativity, artistic, empathic, think and act my own way, passionate, intuitiv, …
@Jvangey, I understand the huge difference between the strains, that some might have mixed type of effect, but I didn’t wanted to go to far on that.
@XFiles, I live in Quebec, so here it is legal and pot is kinda socialy accepted. The ADD is a new information I have to understand, and I knew nothing about is existence since 2 months. Talked to my school counselor which will continue helping me after the holiday. I’ve been able to see a psychiatrist real fast (I knew someone who knew someone) but she gave me the impression she has never seen ADD patient, only ADHD or my cannabis consumption. I told her I brought my report card, but she barely looked at them. I’ll see what will be my options in a few weeks.
I’ve tried pure science, but hated the biology, and too much theorical thing to remember. Than after 1 year of thinking what I want to do in life, I found a DEC in electrical conception, and just finish a BAC in electrical engineering, not specialised, I’ve tried health specialisation (found some work at an hospital in functionnal MRI, but didn’t have sufficient support I needed to feel involved), tried telecommuncation (most people are going this way, and I hate being conventionnal), than I found signal treatment and micro*nano-electrical circuit conception, which is where my master degree will get me, maybe PhD in a few years, will see… I have to work in a research lab, I have so many idea a way of thinking no other student has. Reading site like helped me a lot figuring out I’m not crazy when I say to myself, you f*ing more brillant than most student! Eg: I had a photonic course last session (we worked with laser and fibre optic cable) and the questions I asked my professor often where way out of anybody’s league in the classroom I’m asking question about fundamental physics when the class was about CD laser… I know I’m in the gifted IQ level for overall, but I strongly believe that if I’d pass a mathematical IQ test, I would be in the genius zone!!! That is only by comparing myself to other student in my class, the only one that have my level of understanding pass hour studying, but they get good grades…
@tinkywinky, On DSM-IV, I score 9/9 on inattention, 2/6 on hyperactivity and 3/3 on impulsivness. Also, you have to understand that cannabis has different effect on everyone, and most of all, not all strain have the same effect. I’d rather be tring different MJ strain, than different “speed” subcategory. Also, I love being marginalized, and MJ as medication would help me keeping that out of normal feeling I need to preserve to be at my best… Another thing, I don’t feel the paranoia at all and make me much more sociable
Don’t be worry, I work on computers, I will be designing micro/nano electrical circuit, with mathematical simulation… It’s perfect for me, it has that creativity/artistic part where I need to place every component for effectiveness and that logical and solving problem part where I’ll be working on a project that is pretty big for electrical research (sigma-delta converters which can lead to new CPU architecture, associated with photonics, computer could go blazing fast, well that’s what I was thinking during some of my class instead of CD Laser
) … So I won’t kill anyone, anyway I still say it, marijuanna is a bad name, not a bad drug! Every medication used without control leads to problem
@turbo, that’s your opinion, and that’s what I asked, but I strongly believe you have only heard bad things and you stick with it. Hiding from life??? On the contrary, I would like to use medical marijuanna to help me get out of my problem and live at my fullest potential. I just want to be able to make my medication more suitable with my lifestyle (which I’m okay with if it wasn’t for that depression and lack of motivation which would change with the right strain.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 1:28 pm #98722hi, js- cart all i can tell you is that it makes the highs higher and the lows lower with out the proper comonsence to go along with it . if you have adhd then your self esteem is allready a problem . so when you are stoned your thinking about your feeling are more intence .so you are happyer or sadder,smarter or not so smart , as you know you can not stop youself from thinking. soner or later you become your wrorst enemy. your feelings will at some point cause a train wreak in your life your adhd will make it worse and the pot will make it out of control the important thing about adhd is to keep your head,or you can becone a runaway train and sooner or latter a train wreak. you r choice.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 2:44 pm #98723Well, alcohol is legal and not very controlled(since pretty much anyone can get it) and I’m not sure of any medical benefits whatsoever. Nicotine and caffeine are also legal. These are all drugs that some of us have used to self–medicate and might still use even with “proper” ADD meds. I think JS is saying that it might be time for this “med” (pot) to also become “controlled” and available just like Ritalin is. As we all know, not every med works for everyone. Is it possible, that of those individuals that supposedly there are no ADD meds that will work for them, just haven’t tried what JS has tried?
My concern for you JS is that you believe and have even told your family that you have ADD (by the way, their support is great), but you haven’t been diagnosed. So to understand this, you have diagnosed yourself, and are self-medicating. That part, in my opinion is dangerous. I have no issues whatsoever with your choice of meds, or your belief that they should be legal and controlled, but the fact that you are essentially being your own doctor is a bit scary. Even doctors don’t diagnose themselves. Give it some thought.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 4:21 pm #98724
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 4:21 pmPost count: 14413@Trashman, indeed self esteem is an issue, to the point where I have a hard time getting a girlfriend, all those years of knowing something is wrong with me, doing weird stuff, trying a few times to come clean, but still got the same feeling of nothingness. I always returned to pot since it was an easy going method to relax my head and put myself in a position where my weirdness would be “normal” for others… I already am my worst enemy, my train went off the track a few time, problems with law, with speeding tickets, closing myself to others… But I’ve been capable of understanding some of my bad behavior and tried to overcome them on my own. It’s been around 2 months since I realised ADHD existed, so believe me, it’s kind of a big issue for me and my familly. I’ve stoped smoking during the holiday so I could see how my symptom could be associated with cannabis consumption. And I took a good look at my past and how cannabis interfere with my life. I never took cannabis on purpose so I can threat myself, it just felt so good and with so little impairement (except financial associated with buying the marijuanna), that it was a good thing for my mind. Pot on me as a good effect, I feel something close to normal, but I think stoping it would be the best way to forget who I am, what I’ve been through. Since I now know what’s my problem, I’m strong enough to overcome it. I just need something that will work for me if I start changing next week (this is where I start my master degree and where I really don’t want to fuck things up). I don’t want to wait 2 years to see a neurolog nor I don’t have the 1200$ to get a diagnosed test. So I need something that will go along with my life, get it on the right track by simply get better with the things that botters me the most… depression and the feeling of being far from what I’m capable of doing.
@dspicelady: The most important thing I want to point out, is that I’m totally conscious of the side effect of pot, how it can mess up your mind when you let it out of control. I have some friend who smoke as much or way more than I am. And I really don’t see what people who have only read on paper about the MJ Demon. They never tried cocaine, don’t have that much of memory loss, they can forget thing here and there, but not on a regular basis, they can be lazy, but when you need them to help moving out, they are really helpful… somekind of micro-society is created around cannabis, and most of them are intelligent people.
I have to tell you that at first I only told my mother about it, I gave her some documentation on the subject and asked her to pass a quiz found on the internet for me. She answer 83% on a test where 70% could be enough to diagnose a severe dysfunction and 60-69 moderate to severe. I also asked a friend of mine which I know for 7 years, he gave me 67% (the ADD is really contextual) and I gave myself 95% for overall. I could put you the link of the test I went through, but it’s french, so not that much helpful for ya’ll
ADD in the familly is almost a must have to get diagnosis, that’s when I asked my father to take the same test, I found he was giving himself really low scores from what I see of him, but still he scored a 61% on the same test. My mother only scored 14%. By checking my father’s familly history, there are a lot of possible case and cases of drug abuse and language problem. So before the holiday I firmly believed my father’s side was where it came from. But, during christmas, Ritalin came across a discussion with my aunt, my mother’s sister. Her daughter is 12 ans is diagnosed with ADD for 1 year now, her 8 years old brother do show sign of ADHD and during that conversation, my aunt told me it runs a lot in my mother’s familly.
So I know I’m not a specialist, but I think I’m intelligent enough and resourceful enough to understand what’s going on with me. I just need help on figuring out what to do. For all my life I’ve been able to get undercontrol the impulsivity factor, I just need something that will get a smile on my face so I can be the guy I can be. But as I said, the psychiatrist I’ve been able to see in a rush, seemed incompetent with ADD, it felt like I knew more about the symptom than she did. By calling different psy and neuro, I’ve realised 1200$ is WAY out of what I can afford (remember I’m a student, and already have financial problem) and public health care could take me about 2 years… my master will be finished by then. I have no insurance covering that, and I’ve asked my school counselor and she told me that the school didn’t pay for that. She only gave me the name of a good neurolog which has a lot of experience with ADD student. Also, after a 45min meeting with her, she told me that I certainly have ADD but that she can’t say for sure since she’s no specialist, just someone who have seen a lot of student with ADD… She told me that my path looked like a few of the student she had and those student showed the greatest improvment … one had an average of B before diagnosis, but got it’s master with only A and A+ after diagnosis.
Anyway I still have a long journey to go through to better myself, I just don’t want to be a laboratory rat and try a multitude of medication for a period of time… As I said, the following month is really important for my futur career, I need a good start up for my master degree, as I feel now (thank you to that I can do much more than average. I believe I just need a good way to get organised and a medication that will not get me too far from what I am inside that’s boiling to get out…
btw, I’ve gave it A LOT of thought, I do need input from others, and I believe that the biggest step up I’ve taken so far, was to ask help. Which is what I’m doing here since I don’t have access to a specialist fast
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 4:34 pm #98725
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 4:34 pmPost count: 14413Btw, have you seen the length of my post… damn I really tried to get it as short as possible :S but there’s so much going on in my mind
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 6:46 pm #98726
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 6:46 pmPost count: 14413No worries on the length of your posts. Sometimes I take the whole hour they give us to edit mine. In my ADD, I’m in a rush to get my post published, then I realize I have better and more ways to say things.
Incidentally, I was just thinking this: A few years ago, I worked in theatre, where my friends used to hang out and get high after shows. At that point, I’d never tried it (and since then, I tried it twice only). They used to tell me it was ok having me around because it was like I was already high, because I’m mellow and zone out easily.
It was nice actually. Being able to just zone out in a social setting and it was actually OK with the others. In most social settings, people (guys usually) constantly pester me why I’m not having fun, driving up my anxiety because before I WAS having fun enjoying my zone, but not anymore since now they’re telling me my natural state as a person is contrary to the social butterfly people expect.
The first time I tried pot (with my theatre friends) I sunk so low into paranoia and hallucinations. I hated losing the control, and as I lapsed in and out of lucidity, I was MISERABLE. Someone later said it must have been some strong stuff, and in my impatience to get it working, I sucked on the joint like 4 times real hard. Such a n00b. LOL
The next time I tried it, it was from a ceramic cigarette, and I barely puffed on it out of fear from the last time and didn’t feel anything.
That was the last time. But I think the point is true that pot exacerbates your natural tendencies as mentioned above and as I’ve heard elsewhere. I’m naturally a bit paranoid, and I hate hate hate the feeling of not being in control. And those two personality traits of mine were accentuated drastically the one time I got high. But I also understand different strains do different things, so I’m not sure how to reconcile that potentially contradictory statement.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 7:50 pm #98727
AnonymousInactiveDecember 31, 2010 at 7:50 pmPost count: 14413when I was in high school, I wrote a lot of poem and song so it helped me a lot on letting everything out of my mind. I also had a huge writing problem, especially doing mistake, I had like 50 or mores mistakes in one text of 1000 words, we we’re asked to do 500, but I just couldn’t stop. The problem was I didn’t have enough time to correct my mistakes (most often they were inattentive mistake that anybody would have seen easily). My teacher told me to down my word count and to read my text backward from the end to the beginning… I was able to do 5 mistakes per 750 words… What a change, I was able to pass my high school just because of that, nor I’d have to retake the ministery french exam.
As you said, pot is working differently on everybody, I’ve read about people saying they had paranoia problem BECAUSE of their cannabis consumption… I’m pretty sure this feature they already had it, and pot only amplified that symptom. I do believe that cannabis is a kind of drug that spike out every behavior someone has. Yet again, to have an amplified behavior, that behavior MUST be present. Maybe cannabis isn’t for you, or maybe you just haven’t tried the right strain… As for me, I never ever felt paranoid, and I do smoke a lot. Again, the downside for me is really just depression and financial problem, but I’m not undercontrol with my consumption, which is what I intend to change…
There is one thing I have on my mind, I’m capable of developping a self-producing growing system (just put nutrient and water hose, and the system adjust everything else, already have some plans writen down)… I also would like to experiment on different strain and their effect… Which would help me understanding the effect, give a certain research base and help me getting stuff out of my head by writing down the effect different strains has on me. Also, I know people at an hospital working on fundamental research around functionnal MRI… I know I could do something good, and not just for me…
Anyhow, I’m happy to read everyone here, I was expecting conservative arguments, but the more I learn about this, the more I see some blindness when marijuanna name is mentionned and most often those who have knowldge about cannabis always seem to accept the fact that marijuanna can be used as a medication in certain ADHD pathology.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 3, 2011 at 4:35 pm #98728Sorry, but that’s simply a load of BS cart. There are plenty of more effective meds available for every single malady that pot is prescribed for.
If all the tried and true ADD meds do NOTHING for you, then perhaps your medical team needs to take another look at their ADD diagnosis as it’s very likely it isn’t correct. As Dr Jain has said many times before, there are LOTS of other maladies that mascarade as ADD.
The meds are proven, and with today’s spectrum of choices one of them should provide at least some relief from ADD impairment. The side effect profile, on the other hand, is a seperate issue. The telling tale of ADD medication is what those closest to you see in terms of it’s effect. Our own perception can be very distorted. I’ve met people who were drunk or stoned believing they were geniuses while high when the truth of the matter was they were jotting down gibberish and pissing themselves on the way home from the party because it was cold out and they thought it would be a good idea to warm up.
The pro-pot lobby started as nothing more than a bunch of hippies with cancer who decided they wanted to spend their last days with their heads in the clouds rather than down here on planet earth.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 3, 2011 at 4:49 pm #98729I haven’t read through every posting in this stream, but I do know that marijuana is very non-specific. It goes everywhere in the brain, whereas the ADHD medications target only the problem areas. They much more specific. You want to be targeting just the areas that are short of Dopamine and Noradrenaline.