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Re: Meditation: does it help with ADD or ADHD?

Re: Meditation: does it help with ADD or ADHD?2010-11-18T20:30:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Meditation: does it help with ADD or ADHD? Re: Meditation: does it help with ADD or ADHD?


Post count: 14413

I have tried meditation before, but for me it makes my mind race even more. I felt very awkward that I couldn’t even meditate properly, and usually before I was done attempting it I would be pacing around. Yoga was more meditative for me. I have heard that chanting is good, but I would start daydreaming and forget what was going on.

Now to answer your question about studies… I don’t know. I know it is very commonly recommended advice. There are several articles out there that claim there were studies done that prove it is effective, but I do not know if they were real studies since most of them seem to come around to groups that talk about meds not being safe. I have a hard time believing a study that is connected to a website that tells you not to take meds because you will be stunting the growth of the mind and making yourself need them more.