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Re: Meds and Caffeine and/or alcool

Re: Meds and Caffeine and/or alcool2011-01-09T22:35:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General Meds and Caffeine and/or alcool Re: Meds and Caffeine and/or alcool


Post count: 14413

I know that I have been given Concerta and due to the ‘half-life’ of the drug it is taxing on the liver. So, I have been advised by my psychiatrist to avoid any alcohol. So the depressing part of this, is that we were in NYC a couple of months ago and I bought a couple of 750 ml of Patron Silver for a really great deal but it has been sitting on my liquor cabinet for a few months without being touched… Boo Hoo… it sucks. So I drink a beer here and here because I don’t want to see my liver enzymes get too out of whack.
