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Re: Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age?

Re: Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age?2010-12-11T23:27:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age? Re: Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age?


Post count: 14413

Hi! You’re not alone. I’m 49 and I’ve been diagnosed with ADD a few months ago. I’m pretty sure I’m premenopausal. Nothing’s been working for me for the last 2 or 3 years. And since I now know about ADD, I realise that, in fact, its that all ADD symptoms are exacerbated. I got severe anxiety too. I just started Concerta 27 mg right now. It gets me febrile but nothing yet as for ADD symptoms. For my anxiety, I’ve got a coach helping me out. I’m trying meditation but it’s hard (too much on my mind lol). Still trying though. I’ve asked the expert (Dr J?) about that very topic in another part of the forum.