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Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age?

Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age?2010-12-11T21:20:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Menopause and ADHD: Worsen with age?

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    Post count: 14413

    Hi everyone! I am 53, was diagnosed at 40, tried a variety of different stimulants as well as Straterra. After 6-8 weeks of having blissful organizational skills, I always had negative repercussions. I found out I don’t metabolize medications well (another story!), am not a candidate. As I hit/am in menopause, my ADHD symptoms have worsened. Much less focusing, more fatigue, etc. I have learned that new studies have shown that in menopausal women symptoms become worse, due to the drop in hormones and also exacerbate comorbidities, anxiety, etc. Has anyone else heard of this? Any ideas? I can’t take medication, am tired, amd frustrated, and feel alone.


    Post count: 14413

    Hi! You’re not alone. I’m 49 and I’ve been diagnosed with ADD a few months ago. I’m pretty sure I’m premenopausal. Nothing’s been working for me for the last 2 or 3 years. And since I now know about ADD, I realise that, in fact, its that all ADD symptoms are exacerbated. I got severe anxiety too. I just started Concerta 27 mg right now. It gets me febrile but nothing yet as for ADD symptoms. For my anxiety, I’ve got a coach helping me out. I’m trying meditation but it’s hard (too much on my mind lol). Still trying though. I’ve asked the expert (Dr J?) about that very topic in another part of the forum.


    Post count: 1

    I was just asking myself this question earlier today. Then I found a note to myself about TotallyADD.com and am exploring this site for the first time. I am 56 and have been through menopause. I could swear my add symptoms are getting worse!?!?


    Post count: 14413

    Friends had joked for years that I was ADD but I had never been diagnosed. I did okay in school, and was on the presidents list in college. The only subject that I never did well in was math and I was diagnosed with an LD in math in college. I went on to teach for 6 years and then had my own business for two and a half years. I got married at 37 and the next summer my life fell apart.

    I started suffering from random health issues, I became extremely anxious and withdrawn because the negative thoughts I was having were constantly tearing me apart. I have never had the greatest self-esteem but I had always been able to reassure myself with positive thoughts and remember my successes. Most of my health symptoms pointed to my thyroid but my doctor dismissed them based on my negative self-image and anxiety and she put me on an antidepressant. Soon after, I started falling asleep at red lights and while driving. It was then that I found out that I had become extremely sensitive to medications.

    I did go to a psychiatrist as the doctor ordered. But luckily this doctor did listen to me and didn’t think I was depressed. She did however, diagnose me with ADD. She also believed that there was something medically wrong. Something was destroying the coping skills I had unknowingly developed that had kept my ADD under the radar all these years. A few months later, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and a soon after that with perimenopause. Three years into my marriage…and we find out we can’t have children.

    My doctor had dismissed my “ailments” as all in my head for over a year! I haven’t been back to her since. Sorry to vent! But it is frustrating and depressing. I was told by my OBGYN that perimenopause, especially early onset, can cause symptoms to be more severe. I have also had sinusitis since August and had to stop taking Singular because I was too sensitive to it as well, they put me on the children’s Nasonex too. Pretty much, I take half the dosage on all meds now…and I can’t take Savella for my fibro at all. My fatigue and “brain fog” are ridiculous and I also have insomnia from the anxiety)! I have started taking melatonin and that has helped a great deal. I am hoping that I can find more answers from this website…I am new to all of this as well!


    Post count: 14413

    I saw the ADD and Loving It on pbs (it’s playing now) and I thought to get the video (without paying $80 to support public broadcasting) so I googled and found this. How many years have I wanted a place for ADULTS with ADD??? Everything has always been about kids! I am in such a state that would take days to write my story, but suffice to say I have a bit of hope in finding this site. I was diagnosed severe ADHD (not always too sure about the H) in 1997 and I’m 46 years old today. I want to go back and see if I am REALLY ADHD and maybe get some help. Don’t want drugs ~ been there done that when I was diagnosed and after 6 months I thought “I’ve survived this long and this is the way God made me so He will help me learn to handle it”. Well I’ve just come through a very difficult 2 years and am finally getting back on my feet after a lot of illness and injury and somewhere in my head is the Grand Plan of all I want to do and accomplish but I can’t seem to get moving. There is a thought… or a thing… or a word of some sort that will kick it into gear for me and I just can’t seem to find it. I can’t remember how to deal with this in order to be successful in my endeavors. I spend most of my energy trying to not be the way that I am because it bugs the people closest to me (when I don’t manage myself well) when I KNOW there is something great in me that just can’t seem to find the right path out ~ or a path at all.

    Well… I normally spend hours trying say things just right. I think this is just right – and it only took a few minutes.

    I’m glad to be here. I hope I can manage to spend time and find help. Just reading previous posts tells me Im in the right place. I could have written a lot of that. I’ve come to a point of isolating myself because it’s just easier…

    I just noticed the question at the top… I am nearing menopause. Oh My Gosh. I’ve always been known to be forgetful but it never bothered me until recent years and especially the last year or two. My mind is just gone. Is it worse? Well it sure ain’t better!!

    I look forward to seeing and learning all there is to learn and see here

    I have hope.


    Post count: 14413

    Wow!! I love this website, as it validates things I have been feeling, thinking, and experiencing! I have the anxiety peice as well, which really stinks when you want to be “normal” and not wory about EVERYTHING!! My kids (25, 24, 19) try to understand but just think I am over-protective. My daughter has ADHD and anxiety, but does ok for the most part as she has gotten older. I have also become more of a recluse, as people that aren’t ADD don’t understand the comorbidities, think you should be able to organize better/faster relax, etc. I teach First Grade, LOVE it, but it seems like they are hiring more and more OCD people ( my son has that, so I know the signs!). I envy their organizational skills, their pristine classrooms, the way they breeze through the paperwork. I stay at school until at least 7 PM 3 nights a week to stay afloat. If I could take medication, I would do it in a heartbeat, as I’ve experienced what it is like to be normal, have clarity when talking, completing chores (I hate housework or anything that requires mundane stamina), and just being low key. Thanks for all the responses!! ( :


    Post count: 14413

    I’m a 55 year-old, post-menopausal woman with who”s recently discovered i’m ADD/ADHD. In answer to the original question: “Does menopause make ADD/ADHD worse?”, i would say yes, definitely yes. What happens if you pile one layer of (brain) fog onto a previously existing layer of fog? You get thicker fog, right? There’s something else that complicates it for me that you may want to check out for yourselves. I’ve been going to a naturopath for a number of years, and according to some testing we’ve done, i have high levels of some toxic metals like lead, mercury, etc. These interfere with neurotransmitters, thereby hindering brain function. It’s possible to do chelation therapy to remove them, but it is a process that takes time. I think it’s valuable not only for helping to lift the fog in the short term, but it should should help me be less prone to degenerative neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc. Now when i can get it together………i need to de-toxify my house (old house/lead paint)!

    If i may offer some suggestions: Make sure you’re getting enough protein…..also B and C vitamins. Taurine should help. Consider heavy metals testing and do chelation, if indicated. Hormone support may help. There are some natural products that provide neurotransmitter support. I am dong all these, and i think they help, but after watching ADD AND LOVING IT and exploring this website, i became convinced that more can and should be done. I’m currently trying Adderall XR and am on the lookout for an ADD coach, therapist, and/or support group.

    Good luck, ladies! As this thread proves, you (we) are not alone!

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