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Re: Methylpenidate(concerta 56mg XR) to amphetamine (vyvanse)?

Re: Methylpenidate(concerta 56mg XR) to amphetamine (vyvanse)?2010-12-05T17:28:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Methylpenidate(concerta 56mg XR) to amphetamine (vyvanse)? Re: Methylpenidate(concerta 56mg XR) to amphetamine (vyvanse)?


Post count: 14413

Can someone please tell me the difference in some of these meds for ADD – I am currently on D-Amphetamine Salt Com XR 10MG caps which I understand it is the generic for Adderall XR. I was not diagnosed since my late 40’s – so much wasted time. I struggled for so many years and in my late 30’s the diagnose I was given was deppression never ADD. At one time I was up to 300 mg of Effexor ER finally I convinced my doctor that I wanted to lower the dosage and little by little I went down to 37.5 mg which I can operate much better at. He also believes I could have a bit of bipolar in me and so I was on Lamictal for about one year which horrible skin problems – I made the decision to get off of it and also feel so much better after stopping.