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Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)

Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)2010-10-10T20:44:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin) Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)


Post count: 119

hmm.. I didn’t translate that Dutch article yet….

I noticed that the “watchdog” role that the pharmacist plays, is also mentioned on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacist

Most important thing I get from this is: In the end, I’m responsible for what I do, concerning my health. And given the correct information from both the perspective of psychiatrists and pharmacists, I’ll be able to weigh the pro’s and con’s to decide what’s good for me.

I’ll never be an expert medically or pharmaceutically*, I’ll have to lean on the professionals for that. I’ll bring the experiences into the mix. That’ll be my specialty ;)

* unless I study to become a psychiatrist or pharmacist, obviously