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Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)

Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)2010-10-12T03:43:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin) Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)


Post count: 14413

I think all physicians are on notice that our patient’s are smarter and better informed. I think it is ok for a physician to accept information and knowledge from their patients. It is also very OK for a physician to tell you they don’t know the answer to a problem. Really, sometimes the best strategies that I have found is when the patient and I are partners trying to figure this out. Sometimes the best that I can be is simply an advocate.

There is no magic. Common sense always prevails.