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Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)

Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)2012-01-19T08:58:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin) Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)


Post count: 119

Insurance companies in the Netherlands, renew their contracts with the manfacturers every six months. So after having taken Rubio (no lactose) I’m now on Sandoz, which is an actual rebranding of Ritalin. This contains lactose, as a filler.

I’m not sure if I remember correctly, but I’m pretty sure, that I didn’t have this dry mouth when I was on Rubio. Is there any general knowledge about correlation between certain fillers and certain side-effects? Or has it proven to be varying strongly per individual?
